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“Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will repay him for his deed.” 

Proverbs 19:17

We believe everything we have and own is a gift from God. In turn, we believe offering our time, talent and treasures to the local church is our gift back to God.

Your giving helps us to continually be a beacon of hope and love as Christ Jesus has called us to be. We are able to share the truth of the Gospel both virtually and in person, encouraging, teaching and caring for our neighbors, both near and far.


Ways You Can Support:



You can give in person during either the French or English worship services on Sundays. 



You can make your check payable to St. Matthew's Lutheran Church. Mail in your gift to:

1187 E 92 Street

Brooklyn, NY 11236


Paypal and Zelle (attn. to our online giving platforms are simple and secure. These allow you to give a single gift or schedule recurring giving using your checking account, credit or debit card.

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